Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Why do we give?

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
-         Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us have been charitable atleast sometimes; we have been helpful sometimes; we have been understanding sometimes; we have been caring sometimes. Why do we care, really?

Is it that we care about others because it makes us feel good? Is it that we look forward to "thankfulness" from others? Is it that we love to play God once in a while? Are we all totally selfless? Dont we expect nothing in return? Would we help someone a second time if he / she grumbles instead of giving you a grateful smile in return?

These are questions we must ask ourselves before we start feeling good about "giving". Practice selfless love. Expect nothing in return. Help someone and never look back in expectation. "Surrender the Fruit of All Action."