Monday, 10 October 2011

Week 4

This week let us evaluate our day just before we fall asleep every night. Recollect everything that happened from the moment you woke till that very minute of recollection.

The human brain is so complex and amazing; It can do wonders but "recollecting what happened today??" Sometimes we can't even remember what we had for breakfast :-)

As you recollect the day's happenings, try to pick out those instances where you behaved really well.......(like handling a stressful situation with all calmness), and give yourself a little imaginary star :-) One star for each instance of good behavior.

Now, evaluate the ones where you could have done better. Maybe you shouldn't have spanked your little one, or maybe you shouldn't have reacted rudely to a colleague who was getting on your nerves..For every bad behavior cancel one of your imaginary star that you had earned for good behavior.

After this, if you still have stars remaining, thats really good. If you dont, never mind, you'll do better tomorrow. But do revisit the negative instances and work on them. Think of ways on improving on them.