Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Introduction to "Weekly Goals"

The objective of this new series is to help pick up new positive habits and leave out negative ones. Every Monday, I will be posting a "goal for the week" that just talks about a single idea that we would like to cultivate as a step towards being better human beings and as a step towards moving on to higher planes of spirituality.
 If we focus on just one goal for a week instead of cluttering our mind with many ideas, the quality of our effort will be great and our minds will be free of guilt of not being able to do too many things at the same time. For instance, lets say I decide to meditate everyday, workout everyday, be mindful everyday, repeat some mantra everyday, be free of anger everyday - all this from tomorrow, I will be doing too many things and not doing them right, or I may skip any one of them and start feeling guilty, or give up everything all together out of frustration of not being able to do it all.

Let's take things up one-at-a-time. So, if I decide to meditate everyday on week one and focus on just doing that without skipping, and I decide to workout everyday from week two......then on week two I must continue with the goal of week one and start off with the current goal of week two. This way, over the weeks, our positive habits accumulate into a way of life.

Of course, we must exercise all our will power to keep up with the pace of having new goals every week. After all, willpower and persistence hold the key to all successful accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for connecting with me. I like the premise of your blog and wish you well with it. I'll be back for more. :)
