Anything that is naturally available decomposes easily. Many things that are artificially created are a disaster to nature.
Birth after birth, our soul takes on many different bodies. According to the Vedas, our soul takes on more than 84,00,000 bodies from different species before finally being awarded this Human Body.
Though the Earth is filled with innumerable creatures, some yet to be discovered, none of them pose a threat to the eco-system, save humans. None of the other creatures have been given the capacity to "invent". We humans are very proud of our inventions but there are very few inventions that has no "side effects".
Birth after birth, our soul takes on many different bodies. According to the Vedas, our soul takes on more than 84,00,000 bodies from different species before finally being awarded this Human Body.
Though the Earth is filled with innumerable creatures, some yet to be discovered, none of them pose a threat to the eco-system, save humans. None of the other creatures have been given the capacity to "invent". We humans are very proud of our inventions but there are very few inventions that has no "side effects".
Now, coming to the point: God has created infinite creatures in this world but they just live, die and decompose. This is not the case with human inventions. Over ambitious humans just fiddle with anything and everything. The idea of cloning was just the beginning of humans messing with nature and playing God. I recently read somewhere that scientists have altered the genes of a chicken so that it will grow an alligator like snout instead of it's beak. These scientists believe that somehow these "inventions" will be "helpful" to humans someday. Maybe they can alter a "troublesome gene" that carries some disease, only to find that this is equally disastrous in some other way. Why can't we just let things be? Why do we create problems and then try to find solutions?
In the olden days, and probably even today, people used black magic to manipulate people; let us not be surprised if, one day, "science magic" will b used for the same purpose.
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