Thursday 27 October 2011

Let everyone enrich our lives.

Our lives totally revolve around relationships with people and other living beings around us. Some relationships are beautiful, some are good, while others are difficult.

I'm sure we all agree that the most beautiful relationships are the most enriching. They fill us with love, joy, happiness and make life worth living. It is through these relationships that we learn sharing, caring and companionship. It is here that we hold cherished memories. It is here that we see a balance in give and take; and a level of understanding that can never be broken.
We've all experienced the magic of such a relationship with our soul mate, or parent, or sibling, or friend. The magic of mutual nourishment for the soul. We learn and in turn teach.

Some relationships are good. "We just get along," We know and appreciate the other person, but tolerate their eccentricities too. We know where to draw the line. We probably pick up a few good attributes from them too.

But it is the most difficult relationships that we think, we could have done without. They are "toxic"; they are stressful; they drain us emotionally; they cause a lot of negativity within us; they give rise to anger and frustration. And so on.
Why are some relationships difficult? Probably because some people are difficult. They may be unreasonable, narrow minded, jealous, dominating, self-centered or just anything that might disturb our balance. For some reason we are bound to this person. Call it karma, if you may. But the saddest thing about this is, that the most difficult people are the ones who need more love, more care and more understanding. We find it difficult to express love to a person who causes a lot of stress. And why would we care? Caring for a person who has nothing to offer in return other than more trouble?? No way! How can we be more understanding? We don't want to be.

But for a change, let us remove the "I" from such a relationship. Here is a person who has trouble with not just you, but with everybody he / she comes across. This person is used to being rejected every where. He has nobody. And he / she doesn't know why. He thinks that the whole world is against him.

Let such a person enrich your life. Learn how to deal with him. The key lies in detaching yourself from reacting to him. Look at him as a person who needs love. Learn to tolerate. Learn to love. Unconditionally. Look through the superficial. Communicate to his soul. Instead of feeling drained, you will feel nourished.

Let everyone enrich your life.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Goal For The Week

Reclaim the joy of waking every morning full of energy and exhilaration.
-Robin Sharma

A few months back, every morning, as the alarm would go off and it was time to wake up, I would just hate the day! "I just wish I could catch a few more winks of sleep.... but I have to get up... work beckons... oh, is there no end to this??" I would force myself out of bed (did I have any choice?) and brush my teeth sleepily... and continue being sleepy till I have my morning cuppa. I loved the sleepy feeling... if only I could curl back into comfort! And Monday mornings!! How I wished there were no Mondays at all!

But all this has changed. Now I wake up every morning full of positivity and enthusiasm. This is because I decided that I wanted to change. It is a conscious choice. Either you can continue being grumpy and sleepy every morning; or you can tell yourself that you are really glad to wake up to another beautiful day. A beautiful day full of opportunities that makes life worth living.

There is a simple sequence that leads us to the joy of waking up: finish your work before late evening, relax a little and sleep peacefully. Having a good night's rest leads to a joyful morning. Having late dinner, or watching T.V till late night (especially, the News :-) ) can affect the sleep pattern. If you are tossing and turning all night, you will feel drained by morning. If you sleep well, you will wake up with energy and positivity. Well, we all know this. So why are we not doing anything about it?

Tell yourself every night that you will wake up with joy tomorrow. Look forward to the endless things that you could do tomorrow. Feel blessed about feeling healthy. A week of sickness and bed can make us miss even the things that we really don't seem to like... the traffic jams on our way to work, for instance. Every day is a blessing.

This week, wake up with joy, energy, enthusiasm and all positivity.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Why do we give?

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
-         Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us have been charitable atleast sometimes; we have been helpful sometimes; we have been understanding sometimes; we have been caring sometimes. Why do we care, really?

Is it that we care about others because it makes us feel good? Is it that we look forward to "thankfulness" from others? Is it that we love to play God once in a while? Are we all totally selfless? Dont we expect nothing in return? Would we help someone a second time if he / she grumbles instead of giving you a grateful smile in return?

These are questions we must ask ourselves before we start feeling good about "giving". Practice selfless love. Expect nothing in return. Help someone and never look back in expectation. "Surrender the Fruit of All Action."

Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 5

It has been a month since we started this thread on Weekly Goals. Time flies by so quickly.... This week, let us take time to review the weekly goals of the last four weeks. Let us take time to see if everything went exactly the way we planned. I am sure there were days when one or more goals were not taken care of. Let this week be a "recap" week. Let us try and follow all the four goals of the last few weeks all through this week, without any misses.